
by Prosa Language Learning



* Learn the most important vocabulary used in everyday conversations. *1200 essential phrases taught in a specific order so you can grow your vocabulary without feeling overwhelmed. Nail these phrases using our voice recognition software.* An English learning app tailor-made for Brazilians. *The creator of the content on the app, Simon Gurney, is an Australian. He learned Portuguese using the methods that are utilised in this course.* 110 short explainer videos demystifying the most common mistakes in English. *These videos explain the points that you won’t find anywhere else. Taught in such a fashion that Brazilians can easily relate to and understand.* A system that doesn’t let you forget words you have learned! *Our spaced repetition system will help you stay up to date with your practice. After all, nailing words requires practising words more than once.======Terms of Use: Policy: